Tuesday, June 6, 2023 Categories:

Bismarck, ND – The North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department announces the Park System Renovation Grant (PSGP) opening June 5. This is a 50/50 matching grant that is available to city, county, and tribal park systems. The grant application cycle will be open until July 16, 2023. The PSGP provides grants for recreation projects such as ball fields, pools, campgrounds, playgrounds, and other recreation facilities utilized to support local park systems.

This $6 million grant offers local park districts the ability to compete in one of two population categories. Category A has available $1 million and is for population centers 0 - 14,999. Category B has $5 million available for population centers 15,000 and higher.

In response to the high demand for the funds that were made available for the Park Facility Renovation funded by the North Dakota legislature in 2021, the North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department worked with the legislature to fund this grant with a few modifications. This new grant, the Park System Renovation Grant (PSGP) is open to more park systems and isn’t limited to the renovation of existing park infrastructure.

“We are incredibly grateful for this continued investment in recreation infrastructure in our state,” said Cody Schulz, North Dakota Parks and Recreation Director. “The opportunities these grants fund will create even healthier and more vibrant citizens and communities. Everyone benefits from investments like this that have high returns that include better physical and mental health as well as driving economic development and workforce recruitment.”

Application submissions must be submitted online utilizing Web Grants. For project application submission through Web Grants, please visit the website at https://grants.nd.gov/index.do. For further information, please visit our website or contact Anton Hillig at ahillig@nd.gov.