Volunteers in Parks (VIP) Program
There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available through the North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department. Whether you are interested in visitor services, photography, interpretation, research, history, maintenance work, art, or office work, the VIP program can provide you with a meaningful volunteer experience.
If you would like to volunteer your special skills, don't hesitate to contact your nearest state park:
Beaver Lake
Phone: (701) 452-2752
E-mail: blsp@nd.gov
Cross Ranch
Phone: (701) 794-3731
E-mail: crsp@nd.gov
Fort Abraham Lincoln
Phone: (701) 667-6340
E-mail: falsp@nd.gov
Fort Ransom
Phone: (701) 973-4331
E-mail: frsp@nd.gov
Fort Stevenson
Phone: (701) 337-5576
E-mail: fssp@nd.gov
Grahams Island
Phone: (701) 766-4015
E-mail: dlsp@nd.gov
Phone: (701) 265-4561
E-mail: isp@nd.gov
Lake Metigoshe
Phone: (701) 263-4651
E-mail: lmsp@nd.gov
Lake Sakakawea
Phone: (701) 487-3315
E-mail: lssp@nd.gov
Lewis & Clark
Phone: (701) 859-3071
E-mail: lcsp@nd.gov
Little Missouri
Phone: (701) 764-5256
E-mail: lmosp@nd.gov
Rough Rider
Phone: (701) 623-2024
E-mail: scsp@nd.gov
Turtle River
Phone: (701) 795-3180
E-mail: trsp@nd.gov