Wednesday, July 8, 2020 Categories:

Press Release:

Recreation Trails Program Committee
Hosts Virtual Meetings

The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Advisory Committee (RTPAC) will have a pre-application virtual meeting on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, at 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm to discuss the recent RTP application round and Title VI. RTPAC Board Members, RTP Applicants, and the public are welcome to join for an overview of the program. Until further notice, all meetings will be held virtually through a Live Microsoft Teams Meeting. The live stream and video recordings will be available at

The RTP is a grant program that provides 80% in federal funds to match 20% of local funds for both motorized and non-motorized recreational trails projects throughout North Dakota. North Dakota Parks and Recreation (NDPRD) administers the RTP grant and has an advisory board to help with project selection. 

This year, NDPRD received 20 applications totaling $2,386,792.92 in project fund requests. It is estimated that the RTP will have approximately $1 million available to award. The RTP Advisory Committee consists of 13 members. Those members reside throughout the state of North Dakota and are as follows: Andy Banta, Dave Bietz, Simon Pryor, Dave Mayer, Jeannie Schmidt, Glee Mayer, Keri Wanner, Nick Lippert, and Dave Heglund.

Jolene Rieck and Char Binstock are employees of NDPRD and serve on the RTP Advisory Committee. Kraig Mcleod from Federal Highway Administration and Pamela Wenger from the North Dakota Department of Transportation both serve as Ex-officio members. 

The meeting to review projects and requested funds will be held on Wednesday, July 15, from 1:00 pm-5:00 pm.

For further information, please contact Char Binstock, Grants Coordinator at the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department at 701-328-5357.


For More Information Contact:

Char Binstock, Grants Coordinator at, (701) 328-5364


Doug Burgum, Governor

Andrea Travnicek, Ph.D., Parks & Recreation Director


Century Center     |     1600 E. Century Ave. Suite 3     |     Bismarck, ND 58503

PHONE: (701) 328-5357     |     FAX: (701) 328-5363     |     E-MAIL: