Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - 11:00pm






NEWS RELEASE     |    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE     |    December 17, 2020 



North Dakota Parks & Recreation Launches Surveys
to Understand Economic Impact and Enhance Visitor Experience


The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department (NDPRD) is launching two online survey components starting this week which include a survey for state park property visitors and a survey for non-visitors. A survey for adjacent community members will be conducted in January. The goal of these surveys is to provide the Department with data to inform an analysis of the park properties’ impacts on local communities and better understand how park properties can be maintained or improved to enhance the visitor experience. 


NDPRD Director Andrea Travnicek, is encouraging individuals who receive an invitation to the surveys to participate stating, “These surveys provide an opportunity for individuals to be heard. Public participation and input gathered will be important as the Department plans for the future and makes management decisions. We want to ensure the Department is keeping up with changing needs and offering experiences the public is looking for.”   


The surveys, which are made possible through funding allocated during the 66th Legislative Assembly, will collect data from mid-December 2020 through early-February 2021 with different invitation methods occurring at different times. Survey participants will be selected based on their proximity to North Dakota state park properties, location in a target market or because they provided an email address to NDPRD and agreed to be contacted in the future. Survey invitations will be delivered to participants via email, social media, mailed postcard or an online panel.  The department anticipates having a final report back in May 2021.


For more information, please contact the survey administration team through the contact page on the survey website ( or Lynn Spomer at 701-328-5357 or 


For More Information Contact:  

Lynn Spomer, 701-328-5357 or 


Doug Burgum, Governor 

Andrea Travnicek, Ph.D., Parks & Recreation Director 


Century Center     |    1600 E. Century Ave. Suite 3     |    Bismarck, ND 58503 

PHONE: (701) 328-5357     |    FAX: (701) 328-5363     |    E-MAIL: 

