Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 11:00pm

New video series highlights the impact of outdoor recreation grants

Bismarck, ND A new video series is bringing attention to the impact of the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department (NDPRD) grant program that funds trails, playgrounds, maintenance equipment, and various other needs at parks and communities throughout North Dakota.

Miles and Moments: Partnering with Communities through Grants highlights some notable projects as they are completed, and the difference the projects are making for people seeking recreational opportunities in North Dakota – whether for a weekend getaway to a state park or at the playground across the street.

From our own state parks to small and large community park districts, the grants fund new or improved recreation opportunities where it may not otherwise be possible, in areas eager for ways to promote vibrant, healthy living. The public is encouraged to subscribe to the NDPRD YouTube page to be alerted to new videos in the series by searching @ndparkrec on YouTube.

“We are so excited to showcase some of the incredible projects our state’s communities and park districts have turned from a dream into reality with the help of our grants,” said NDPRD Grants Coordinator Char Langehaug. “We hope it will inspire others to consider what outdoor recreation opportunities they’d like to see in their communities and to seek grant funding as well.”

NDPRD facilitates grants through the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the Recreational Trails Program, the Park District Facility Renovation Grant and other opportunities. NDPRD will open an additional round of funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund in February.

For further information, contact Char Langehaug, Grants Coordinator at 701-328-5357. 

The LWCF is a federal program funded by offshore oil and gas royalties that was created by Congress in 1964 to safeguard natural areas, water resources, cultural heritage and to provide recreation opportunities to all Americans. This 50/50 matching grant reimbursement program is administered at the state level by the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department (NDPRD) and funded at the federal level by the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service (NPS). Eligible project sponsors include cities, counties, and townships; park and school districts; state agencies; water management districts and federally recognized tribes. 

The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is an 80/20 matching grant program that provides funding for both motorized and non-motorized recreational trail projects. Examples of eligible projects include construction of new recreation trails, restoration of existing trails, development and rehabilitation of trailside and trailhead facilities and trail linkages, purchase and lease of recreational trail construction and maintenance equipment, land acquisition/easements, trail accessibility assessment.